Colonial relations in Stoker’s vampire novel: Dracula and the Danubian Principalities (Virtual)

Colonial relations in Stoker’s vampire novel: Dracula and the Danubian Principalities (Virtual)

Conferinta Virtuala sustinuta de Dr Cristina Artenie in data de 03 august 2022, ora 22.30
Virtual Conference supported by Dr Cristina Artenie
Brief: Little known today, yet of vast consequence for Romania, the involvement of the British Empire in the Danubian Principalities in the nineteenth century greatly shaped their destiny. At the time Stoker was writing Dracula, Romania was the most important source of grains for the British Isles. British vessels were a common sight at the mouth of the Danube and up river.  Local railways, to and from the famous Cernavoda bridge, were built with British money. The posse hunting the vampire makes use solely of British-owned infrastructure to track down Dracula, exposing a world of colonial relations forgotten today by Brits and Romanians alike.
My bio: Dr. Cristina Artenie is a Victorian scholar whose work focuses on 19th-century British colonial literature. She is the editor in chief of Universitas Press, an independent academic press in Montreal, Canada, and the author and editor of several books. Dr. Artenei is an accomplished scholar and a dedicated educator. She has taught in Canada, Colombia, Vietnam, Pakistan and Tajikistan.