Aaron Ableman, Inviat Virtual – artist, SUA

Aaron Ableman, Inviat Virtual – artist, SUA

Award­-Winning United Nation’s artist and author
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Artist și autor care și-a dedicat viața în serviciul copiilor, tineretului și pământului și a fost premiat de către Organizația Națiunilor Unite, Ableman s-a născut în același oraș cu Michael Douglas.

Aaron Ableman a călătorit în lume cu semințe, cântece și povestiri de vindecare, Aaron a devenit încet o voce umanitară lider în artă și divertisment. Crescut sub îndrumarea unui fermier / autor și a unei asistente medicale, Aaron a studiat cu bătrânii indigeni și cu liderii spirituali notabili, inclusiv cu cel de-al 14-lea Dalai Lama.

An award­-winning United Nation’s artist and author, A​aron Ableman has dedicated his life to serving children, youth and the earth. Born in Michael Douglas’ basement, it’s been downhill since birth for Mr Aaron Ableman. Traveling the world with seeds, songs and healing stories, Aaron has slowly become a leading humanitarian voice in arts & entertainment. Growing up under the guidance of a farmer/author and public health care nurse, Aaron has studied with indigenous elders and notable spiritual leaders including the 14th Dalai Lama.


His life and work have been heralded in publications such as HBO, LA Times, CNN, NY Times, and MTV. Ableman has studied or worked with some of the most innovative artists and luminaries of our generation, including U2, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Michael Franti, Joan Baez, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Vandana Shiva, Cheech Marin, Q’Orianka Kilcher and is a sought after creative around the globe.


For more about him and his arts-based reforestation initiative with 10 million students, please visit www.iamaliveandawake.com and aaronableman.com