Alan Hutchins, Chiropractician, instructor

Alan Hutchins, Chiropractician, instructor

Chiropractic Healthcare Practitioner
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Dr. Alan Hutchins este un practician din domeniul sănătății din zona New York, unde a avut o practică de succes de peste 10 ani. Pregatirea sa formală a fost în domeniul Chiropractici, unde a obținut diploma de doctor în 2002. Principalul obiectiv al studiului și al practicii lui Alan este în domeniul Kinesiologiei Aplicate. Prin aceste metode este capabil să comunice direct cu sistemele nervoase ale clienților săi pentru a diagnostica și corecta problemele în sistemele autoreglabile ale corpului. Aceste corecții sunt realizate prin manipularea fizică, nutriția, eliberarea emoțională, echilibrarea meridianelor, homeopatia și multe alte metode.

Dr. Alan Hutchins is a healthcare practitioner in the upstate New York area where he has had  a successful practice for over 10 years.  His formal training was in the field of Chiropractic where he received his degree as a doctor in 2002.  The main focus of Alan’s study and practice is in the area of Applied Kinesiology.  It is through these methods that he is able to communicate directly with his clients nervous systems to diagnose and correct problems in the self-regulating systems of the body.  These corrections are achieved through physical manipulation, nutrition, emotional release, meridian balancing, homeopathy and many other methods.

Over the past 10 years, Alan has spent considerable time studying esoteric knowledge and traveling to sacred sites around the world.  Ultimately he believes that healing is a process of growth and transformation that is guided by archetypal principles that were known in the ancient times and that are reemerging at present.  His approach is strongly rooted in the idea of working with the inherent consciousness in the body that is often obscured in our current collective state.  Applied Kinesiology provides a platform to interact with this intelligence and to reconnect our conscious minds with the mystery that lies in our unconscious and our physical bodies.

Alan earned his undergraduate degree from Cornell University in 1996 and his Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractoc in 2002.  He also received grants from Cornell to work with shamans and healers in both Mexico and the Caribbean in 1996 & 1997.