Erisa K. (Hines) Stilley, inginer de sisteme – Jet Propulsion Laboratory, va fi unul dintre oaspeții noștri virtuali.Erisa K (Hines) Stilley lucrează în prezent la următoarea misiune spatiala a JPL de trimitere a unui Rover pe planeta Marte. Erisa este membră a echipei Mars 2020 EDL System pentru o misiune care se va întoarce pe Marte în anul 2020 și va colecta mostre pentru o viitoare posibila misiune de întoarcere, unde ei ar putea fi aduși înapoi pe Pământ pentru studiu.
Erisa K Stilley was part of the Entry, Descent, and Landing team for the recent Perseverance Rover landing in February 2021, a mission that will collect samples for a potential future return mission that will bring the samples back to Earth for study. She also helped fly the Curiosity rover from Earth to Mars before its landing in August 2012, and then joined the rover driver team that operates the Curiosity rover. She is currently helping an exciting new mission called Europa Clipper get ready for its launch in 2024.
Erisa has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the University of Miami, FL and a Master of Science from MIT.
Erisa grew up in northeastern Missouri. Her college years started as an undergraduate in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Miami in Florida. She then made her way to MIT and spent three years on Aerospace Engineering and Technology Policy graduate studies in Cambridge, MA. After graduating and interning for a summer at JPL, she served the following summer with Engineering Ministries International in Colorado Springs before moving to Pasadena to work at JPL full-time.
Outside of work, she is involved in her church community, enjoys Caltech theater, and outdoor activities like hiking.