Professor Dr. Hugo de Garis (virtual guest)
Ani participare: 2023.
„Professor Dr. Hugo de Garis is a retired, 75 year old professor of computer science, who has lived in 7 countries, Australia, UK, Holland, Belgium, Japan, USA, China. He now makes Ms and PhD level video courses in Pure Mathematics and Theoretical Physics to teach graduate level students around the world for free. He is the author of two books „The Artilect War, Cosmists vs. Terrans, A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines” and „Multis and Monos, What the Multicultured Can Teach the Monocultured, Towards the Creation of a Global State” While in China, he evolved neural network modules at electronic speeds and assembled them into the country’s first humanly designed artificial brain. He believes that this century’s global politics will be overwhelmed by the species dominance question „Do we build gods or our potential exterminators?”
Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis